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Love, Desire & Nonattachment


Learn what nonattachment really means; it is often misunderstood as not caring, but it is not that at all: it is a loving, freeing practice. Understand what nonattachment means in relationships and how to practice it mindfully. Release from clinging that causes suffering. Let go of past loves and hurts and from fixating on the […]


May Mindfulness offering ~ You are enough, a deeper dive: Meeting the Inner Critic and the Comparing Mind

Refresh your relationship with yourself, cultivate self-kindness and gentleness, as you hold space for the inner critic and observe the comparing mind. What can blossom if you loosen around limiting self-beliefs, including the beliefs that you are separate, not enough, and less than others? Mindfulness offers deeply helpful teachings and practices, so I warmly invite […]


Travelgems School of Well-Being Talk ~ You are enough

I am honored to be on the faculty of the brand new online School of Well-Being launched by Travelgems, Europe's leading well-being retreat company. As Mindfulness & Meditation Guide, I join other expert coaches in modalities like sound healing, counseling, yoga, nutrition, fitness and more, in this inclusive and affordable platform focused on weaving well-being […]

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